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Paula Jaszkowski

Owner/CEO @ Hiram & Solomon Cigars

While studying in Italy, her son brought her some Toscano cigars. After smoking a box she was so intrigued, fascinated and completely hooked. She visited a local humidor bringing home a complete menagerie of sticks. She started smoking cigars, reading, researching and Journaling and created a lifestyle around cigars. Today, Paula has a live cigar review show and she also owns a small cigar lounge/club.

Paula has been a regional hair salon chain manager for the past few years. On her career, she always showed emphasis on team building and a cohesive productive environment. Duties include all Bill paying, managing subcontractors, implementing salon rules and conduct and administering customer service.

Paula Jaszkowski

© Sisters of the Leaf Global Movement 2021

    © 2021 por Hermanas de la Hoja Movimiento Global 

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