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Desiree Sylver

Founder, CEO Drunk Chicken Cigars

The birth of Drunk Chicken Cigars started with friends and family hanging out in the family backyard; living the dream, eating, drinking, and sharing cigars. This backyard oasis includes over a dozen chickens, dogs, and local wildlife that frequently visit.

The “Drunk Chicken” name was established one evening as they her and fiance enjoyed their typical Saturday festivities, the chickens were “going home to roost” andseemedm to stumble as if they were drunk. The Drunk Chicken events grew, becoming the regular safe place to hang out. The notional entry fee was bringing a cigar to smoke and one to share. This quickly evolved into a quest of finding unique cigars neither her or her family and friends had previously smoked. While traveling, the exploration of various cigars bars and shops led to meeting many cigar aficionados including shop owners, cigar diplomats, Cuban hand-rollers, cigar lovers and junkies like herself. The creative juices started to flow as they introduced them to freshly rolled-cigars and different brands and flavors of cigars.

To impress their friends, they decided to try their hand at having some of their favorite tobacco leaves blended and hand-rolled to share back at the “Coop”. They were instant hits thus Drunk Chicken Cigars “Chicks” were born. The first five blends were not created to sell. Those blends were originally created based on the smoking habits and palettes of myself and fiancé Rico Reed (silent business partner). It wasn’t until friends started to tell us how great the cigars were that we looked into selling. The Eureka moment was when we gave the cigars to a couple lounges to see if they could sell and they both said the same thing “Great Cigars but change the band”.

Desiree Sylver

© Sisters of the Leaf Global Movement 2021

    © 2021 por Hermanas de la Hoja Movimiento Global 

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