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SGM Advisory Board's Role

The Advisory Board advises, guides, and supports the mission of SOTL GLOBAL MOVEMENT (SGM).

It’s main purpose is to advise on the direction and strategy of the SGM, and by generating and giving feedback on certain proposals for development.


The Advisory board is a volunteer group, formed to contribute to the spread of the vision of SGM and assist on implementing the principles of SOTL Memorandum of Understanding into the cigar industry.

The advisory board shall bring forward for consideration all interesting topics brought to table by the SOTL committees and shall provide non – binding but informed guidance on every issue that may arise, serving the goals of SGM as a tremendous ally.

In particular, the fields of action of the Advisory Board are:


  •      Educational and training programs 

One of the major tasks of the advisory board is to design and run various educational and training programs and seminars related to the cigar world and the culture of cigars.


  •      Labor issues 

One of the main goals of SOTL Global Movement is to develop a better cigar world in every possible aspect, therefore it is essential that through our actions (along with the SOTL MoU), we manage to eliminate malpractices of the past by establishing the dignity of labor and annihilate cases of discrimination and harassment based on sex, color, age etc. The Advisory Board should put a great amount of effort towards this direction with respect and consideration to all involved parties.


  •      Social Responsibility

SOTL Global Movement is a nonprofit initiative, which espouses social responsibility and sustainable development, based on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The Advisory Board, shall design, suggest, and implement actions, practices, and charity activities, also inciting cigar industries to improve their social and environmental impact.


  •      Events

SOTL Global Movement will pick up the torch from SOTL Greece, in organizing digital and physical - whenever possible – Global Round Tables, thus keeping the dialogue among cigar stakeholders open. In addition to the series of Round Tables that have been running for over a year now, we shall organize the 1st Global Aficionadas Forum in Greece, that we intent to establish in the long term as one of the top international cigar – related events. SGM Advisory Board along with the Committees, will be organizing various events around the world, also including their own physical meetings once the circumstances allow it.  



 (Advisory board members listed in alphabetical order by first name)

© Sisters of the Leaf Global Movement 2021

    © 2021 by Sisters Of the Leaf Global Movement 

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